By Katie Marie
Hey all! Today is a fun post and I've been looking forward to it for some time now. It's rather lengthy list, so I will try to keep my comments on each book brief to ensure this post doesn't drag on too long! :-) Here goes!

Well, the first book I read after my last post was More Than Conquerors
, by Kathi Macias. This book was a wonderful read about missionary work. It has powerful lessons in it - as do all of Kathi's books - and won't leave you the same.

I became a fan of Sibella Giorella after reading her book, The Clouds Roll Away
. Wow! What a story. It is unlike other suspense/mystery books I've read and I really liked it. I am looking forward to more books from Sibella in the near future! You can read my review of this book HERE. I recommend you keep a look out for books by this lady.

On the Run by Bill Myers was a teen thriller/adventure book. It was an enjoyable, short read. While I like more gripping and scary thrillers, this might be perfect for younger teens to read and enjoy. It's a continuing series, and the books are rather short - so I would advise getting the whole series so you're not left hanging, as I was with this first book in the series.

This book - Raider's Heart
by Marcia Gruver- is from another new author I had not know about previously. She did a good job with the story, adding a few twists and turns to the adventure, that made it a fun read. If you would like to read my review of this book, you can do so HERE.

A Time to Embrace by Karen Kingsbury was...amazing!! The first half of the book built tension upon itself and when the climax came, I was grabbing for tissues! Such a tear-jerker for me! It's hard to say all the wonderful things about this book in just one paragraph, so feel free to read my thorough review HERE.

What a story Havah: The Story of Eve
by Tosca Lee held! While there are many warnings I must give as to what maturity level the reader should be when reading this book - I was captivated by this story. The way Tosca wrote this just grabs your attention and doesn't release it till the end. But, as I said, there are a few cautions I must give to this book. Read Book Ponderings review of this book HERE.

Wrangler in Petticoats was an interesting book, written by Mary Connealy. While it had a lot of adventure and funny moments, I didn't care for the way the hero and heroine were portrayed. While the heroine was a tough little woman, the hero was quite...wimpy. Not bodily, for he is described as very muscular, but in the head and heart. He is far too distracted by art and his love for animals. And I really didn't like the scenes where the heroine had the gun and was the one protecting the hero! I mean, it was very obvious that the hero's heart was in the right place - he wanted to protect the women - but knowing that fact still didn't help the picture I got: of a woman with a rifle protecting the man. this respect, I didn't care for the book. But I would probably try out another book by Mary in the future.

I have heard a lot about this book and the author - The Blue Enchantress
by MaryLu Tyndall. I gave it 3 stars for a few reasons. While it was a great adventure with pirates, shipwrecks, sickness, etc...I felt like the romance was a bit pushy and forced. I think if you took the romance out of the story, it would've still made a great book. That's what I mean - I felt like the romance was forced to fit into the story, instead of the story and the romance being interwoven together. But all in all, I thought it was a good story and will try a book by Tyndall again.

The Apothecary's Daughter by Julie Klassen was great! The first book I've read by Julie, I was completely captivated by the story of Lilly and her struggles. The story kept me turning the pages, from nearly the first chapter. I am looking forward to getting my hands on more of Julie's books!
My church had a family conference, where Vodie Baucham came to speak to my congregation. It was an amazing few days full of wonderful sermons directed toward older teens preparing for life. During the conference, I was able to purchase Joyfully at Home
by his daughter, Jasmine Baucham. It was a wonderful read, answering many questions young ladies might have. If you are having struggles as you get older and are trying to be content to stay at home until God sends you your Knight-in-Shining-Armor, this is just the book for you! ;-)

Finally, I just finished Dragons of the Valley
by Donita Paul a few days ago. I am not a big fantasy fan, so this book didn't appeal to me as it might have had I loved fantasy. The book was well written, though it moved rather slowly for the first 100 pages or so. To read my review of this book, go HERE.
Thanks for checking out what I've been reading recently! Hope you enjoyed it. See you in two weeks for more books that I've read!
~ Katy
Photo credit: Lori Warman
How enjoyable! Thank you for posting, I found it very interesting. :)
I also loved A Time to Embrace and The Clouds Roll Away--two such different yet memorable stories!
Thanks Charity!
Yes, those two books were amazing, Renee! :-) Like you said - so different, yet both so wonderful and memorable!
~ Katy
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