If you have a minute, leave a comment with a birthday wish and show Kait how much we appreciate her and the work she does on this blog! A new year has begun for her and she is all ready to face it head on! Lord willing, it will be this year that we finish our novel, Scattered Tears. Isn't that a good goal to set?!
Now on to today's post. It's Friday, so here is my Book Beginnings on Friday! Katy, over at A Few More Pages, hosts this every Friday and we thought it'd be fun to have Book Ponderings join the fun! If you are interested in doing this for your blog, check out Katy's blog for details on what to include in the post!
This week I finished the book The Fire in Ember
A hanging is no place for a woman.
Bert cast a wary glance at the man who lifted a rope from his saddle horn and stomped her way. With hands tied behind her back and a second man holding her shoulders, she had no hope of freeing herself.
And that's just the beginning. The first few paragraphs of this book continue to add to your questions and curiosity as to why this is all happening to a girl. And from these seen, the story takes off and hardly gives the reader a chance to breath. I loved it!
We'd love to hear what's the first line - or paragraph - of your current read. Feel free to share it with us in the comments! Are you liking the book so far? Was the first few lines enough to grip your attention? We're looking forward to hearing from you! :-)
And just real quickly, the winner for Be Not Afraid
Bakersdozen (vidomich@...)
Congrats Bakersdozen!! I will be sending you an email shortly to get your snailmail for Deborah! Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway - hope you had fun!
Happy Birthday, Kait!
Great beginning, which does make me want to know more of the story.
Here's mine:
I'll post mine later. :) Happy birthday, Kait! May you have many more.
Interesting...Hope you enjoy the rest of your book... Here's a look at my beginning... Happy reading!!
Thanks for visiting our blog, Laurel and Tasha! Posting the beginings of the books are great fun!
Yes, I agree with yall, the beginning is very catching. DiAnn did a great job with this book - it could easily be one of my favorites by her!
Charity - I'll be looking forward to your book beginnings! :-)
~ Katy
Happy Birthday Kait!
This beginning does leave you breathless! What suspense! Thanks for participating in Book Beginnings today! :D
The first line make me think the woman is just at the hanging...but then I realized she's really AT the hanging. Definitely no place for a woman!
Great beginning!
Happy Birthday Kait!
Here's mine: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2011/01/book-beginnings-on-friday_28.html
Hanging a woman has never crossed my mind! EEK!
Happy Birthday, Kait! I appreciate all the work you do to share your thoughts on your blogs. Blessings!
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