By the way, if you haven't stopped by Legacy of a Writer yet and participated in all the awesome giveaways - I'd encourage you to go there now! All the giveaways end at midnight TONIGHT!!
But anywho, let's get right into today's post!
We decided to do some rearranging in our weekly schedule - as I am sure some of you have noticed this past week. From now on, on Friday's we will host Book Beginnings on Friday! Katy, over at A Few More Pages, hosts this every Friday and we thought it'd be fun to have Book Ponderings join the fun! If you are interested in doing this for your blog, check out Katy's blog for more details! we go!
Last night I just began a really neat book. It's called The Rythm of Secrets
. It had a neat beginning, makes the reader want to learn more. For clarification, I've put the first paragraph of the book here...
Stormy days call for Rachmaninoff. Rain thrummed the window and blended with cantata chords Sheila Franklin coaxed from her piano. Soon she'd be done with the choir piece and could continue her Rachmaninoff affair. Or maybe she'd play jazz, wild and free, though Edward had forbidden it. But Edward wasn't here...
We'd love to hear what's the first line - or paragraph - of your current read. Feel free to share it with us in the comments! Are you liking the book so far? Was the first few lines enough to grip your attention? We're looking forward to hearing from you! :-)
~ Katy
"The pig was young and wary, yearling boar timidly testing the wind for strange scents as it ventured out into the honey-coloured light of a fast-fading day. Bran ap Brychan, Prince of Elfael, had spend the entire day stalking the greenwood for a suitable prize, and he meant to have this one.
Eight years old and the king's sole heir..." And I'm going to leave you hanging there. That's from 'Hood' by Stephen Lawhead.
I'm also reading 'Tenth Stone' by Brock and Bodie Thoene.
"And so it had come to this.
It was the night when Rabbi Ahava's shofar echoed in the Valley of Mak'ob, summoning the lepers of Israel. All that remained of the small child's life could be counted in a thousand heartbeats. She was the smallest of all the lepers in the Valley of Sorrows. Born in a cave to a diseased mother four years before, she began her life with the certainty of death on her horizon. Her mother died giving her birth." The book gets better. :) Happier.
"At times I wonder what might've happened if I'd gone with Mamm that damp, hazy morning eleven years ago. She was so tired - she said it herself - preparing for the market that day. Such a bleak expression dulled her sweet face as she trudged out to the waiting horse and the enclosed gray carriage filled with gourds and squash and other garden vegetables.
A shudder rippled through me..."
That's the beginning to The Thorn by Beverly Lewis. I started it a few days ago and am enjoying it tremendously.
That book sounds SO good Katy - I might just have to read that one. ;-)
Charity, your books, too, sounds interesting! Especially Tenth Stone!
- Kait
What a beautiful site...and see my musical beginning highlighted with your artistic page.
Katy, Charity, and Jane, you just might enjoy the book trailor to The Rhythm of Secrets. Check it out at While you're there, check out the blog and book reviews!
Blessings, Patti Lacy
Great Beginnings Charity! The Tenth Stone sounds like a good book! :-)
Patti - thanks so much for stopping by. What an honor! :-) I am nearing the end of The Rhythm of Secrets and am loving every minute of it. I checked out the trailer - very nice! Makes me eager to continue reading!
Keep up the good work, Patti! :-)
~ Katy
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