Diving Into...The Truth Seeker

What Book? This time I chose a book that I haven't read in a while, yet is one of my very favorites - The Truth Seeker by Dee Henderson! :)

Women are turning up dead, and Lisa O’Malley has a habit of walking into crime scenes, curious. She’s a forensic pathologist, and mysteries are her domain. U.S. marshall Quinn Diamond has found loving her is easier than keeping her safe. Lisa’s found the killer, and now she’s missing too.

Introducing the O’Malleys, an inspirational group of seven, all abandoned or orphaned as teens, who have made the choice to become a loyal and committed family. They have chosen their own surname, O’Malley, and have stood by each other through moments of joy and heartache. Their stories are told in CBA best-selling, inspirational romantic suspense novels that rock your heart and restore strength and hope to your spirit. 

Why That Book? This book has been one of my favorites for a while now. I have always loved reading FBI stories and learning about Lisa O'Malley, a forensic pathologist, was a real joy.

Which Character Would I Be? Why? Originally I was going to do a previous book in the O'Malley series - The Negotiator - but after thinking about it, I realized that I was more like Lisa and would be more likely to have her job than Kate's,  and liked Quinn more than Dave. Lisa, like I said, was a forensic pathologist(yep she studies dead people for the FBI for a living) and if I hadn't made the choice to be a stay-at-home mom someday and further my talents in things I could do from home, working in forensics is something I seriously would have looked into. I also loved Quinn(Lisa's guy). His cowboy attitude and...well...just everything about him made me really like him. Also, she had several awesome brothers - especially Marcus, who was my favorite of the brothers(closely tying with Jack). So all around, I think I would love being in Lisa's shoes! 

So there you have it! There's my In A Book post! Want to join in the fun? Feel free! Comment and let us know what book you would choose to be in and why?

This post was written entirely for fun and does not suggest that we want to be any other person than who God made us.
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Photo credit: Lori Warman